Journal of Medical Physics and Biophysics

Journal of Medical Physics and Biophysics is a gold open-access journal and serves as official publication media of the Indonesian Association of Physicists in Medicine, IAPM (Aliansi Fisikawan Medik Indonesia, AFISMI). JMPB publishes articles with the general concern on the application of physics in medicine and the biological system. The role of physics highlighted in the journal can be of theoretical, experimental, or clinical nature. Review and original articles in radiation oncology, diagnostic and interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, biomaterial, physical biology, physical modeling of biological system, and other related sciences are welcome. Any opinions stated on the articles published in JMPB are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the policy of IAPM/AFISMI unless otherwise stated.

JMPB is an official publication media of:

  • Indonesian Association of Physicists in Medicine
  • Medical Physics and Biophysics Division, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia



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Vol 10, No 1 (2023)

Table of Contents

Radiation Therapy

Analisis pengaruh penggunaan unsur sensitizer terhadap peningkatan dosis dalam radioterapi kanker serviks menggunakan PHITS PDF
Andhika Pinastika Muhammad, Mochammad Rafli Irwan 1-10
Pengaruh ketebalan MLC (Multileaf Collimator) terhadap distribusi dosis target dan OAR (Organ at risk) dengan teknik IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) pada kasus nasofaring PDF
Cecilia Nova Wijaya, Darmawati Darmawati, Anung Muharini 11-20
Analisis dosis serap PTV pada pengobatan radioterapi kanker rektum dengan teknik 3D-CRT berdasarkan dose volume histogram PDF
Anggita Khoirunnisa, Firdy Yuana, Sri Herwiningsih 21-27
Analisis sebaran dosis organ at risk (OAR) pada perencanaan radioterapi kanker payudara kiri dengan teknik 3D-CRT melalui dose volume histogram (DVH) PDF
Winda Suryaning Pramesti, Firdy Yuana, Sri Herwiningsih, Fatimah Kunti Hentihu, Alfian Khoiri Anto 28-38
Komisioning sederhana detektor PTW 60019 microDiamond untuk radiasi lapangan kecil PDF
Irma Juwita Ayuning Tias, Irhas Irhas, Firyal Dhiyaul Haqqi, Wahyu Edy Wibowo, Misjuherlina Misjuherlina 39-45
Modeling of Head Linear Accelerator (LINAC) for Study of Photon Beam Characteristics Based on GEANT4 PDF
Nurul Qomariyah, Freddy Haryanto, A Waris, R Subroto, I WA Makmur, Rahadi Wirawan 46-52

Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging

Analisis Perbedaan Pembacaan Nilai Uji Kesesuaian Pesawat Sinar-X Radiografi Umum menggunakan Multimeter X-Ray Raysafe dan Radcal PDF
R. Silvia Putri Raharja Effendi, Wuwus Ardiatna, Freddy Haryanto 53-59
Analisis pengaruh nilai kVp dan filter terhadap kualitas citra dari fantom ACR pada digital mamografi PDF
Nadya Anggraini, Freddy Haryanto, Adiwasono Matheus Budi Setiawan 60-68
Estimasi Dosis Efektif dan Efek Stokastik (Kanker dan Hereditas) pada Pemeriksaan CT-Scan Abdomen dan Toraks dengan Media Kontras PDF
Hanendya Disha Randy Raharja 69-76
Penentuan mean glandular dose (MGD) pada pesawat mammografi dengan target/filter tungsten (W) dan rhodium (Rh) PDF
Muhammad Buchori Amin Kartani, Irfan D Sanjaya 77-83

Experimental Biophysics

Karakterisasi sinyal elektrokardiogram dari perangkat portabel 6-lead sebagai alternatif alat kontrol kesehatan jantung PDF
Nurhasanah Nurhasanah, Freddy Haryanto, Siti Nurul Khotimah 84-92

Radiological Protection

Analysis of Half-Value Layer on Multimeters and Manual Calculation Using Aluminum Filter PDF
Alwali Walyatalattov Solichin, Freddy Haryanto 93-98

Nuclear Medicine

The comparison of attenuation factor of 99mTc and 153Sm radionuclides in planar image using Mediso InterViewTM XP and ImageJ PDF
Adni Ahyani, Syarifatul Ulya, Muzilman Muslim, Prasetya Widodo, Nur Rahmah Hidayati, Heru Prasetio 99-104
Kualitas citra bone scanning dengan pemberian dosis radiofarmaka 99mTc-MDP berdasarkan berat badan di Instalasi Kedokteran Nuklir RS dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung PDF
Rini Shintawati, Achmad Hussein S Kartamihardja 105-109

©2017 (onwards) Aliansi Fisikawan Medik Indonesia / Indonesian Association of Physicists in Medicine

Print ISSN: 2355-2727 | Online ISSN: 2355-2719